Saturday, August 25, 2018

a white rabbit

I might be a well known character in disguise

     I think I am the White Rabbit in a different life.
     He's late, he's late, for a very important date.
     The story of my life.
     I am always in a rush.  Always doing stuff at the last minute.
     Sometimes it is procrastination, sometimes I am busy but usually it's because is just screwed up on the times.
     Be somewhere to buy raffle tickets?  I barely get there, thinking I am half an hour early but actually at the closing time of the booth.
     You've heard me say it hundreds of times.....  I just get cobbled.
     And it is not a new development. 
     Before Jackie and I were married, we went to a going away party for a college friend.  Jackie asked me dozens of times about the party and I always said it was at 2 p.m. on Sunday.   Well, we were 24 hours late.  It was on Saturday.
     I almost got on the wrong train twice because I did not read the complete listing.  And it's always because I procrastinate or just get rushed.
     Like this week.  I do a column for the local paper every second and fourth Sunday.  I write the column on Wednesday-Thursday and e-mail it Thursday night.
     I got in a hurry Thursday night and finished the column late at night.  I then sent it to the wrong person!  Sure, the first names were the same, but I was in a hurry and did not check the total drop down menu.
     We had a Buffett party today and I went for a brief while....but again, I was in a rush to get there and in a rush to leave, so much so that I forgot about having a good time in the middle.  I was enjoying the company when the White Rabbit appeared and started shouting , "You're late!  You're late!"
     Sad thing is, I will never change.  I'm too old a dog to learn new tricks.
     Now, I'm going to bed before the day ends.
     Peace and love to all.

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