Sunday, August 12, 2018

my last chance

I am waiting for more darkness

     I have been out two nights looking for shooting stars.  I have seen three, but I have five mosquito bites.  Not a good ratio.
     I am planning on going out tonight to look.  This is supposed to be the best night of the best meteor shower of the year.
     Usually, for me, that means rain or clouds.  Tonight seems to be ok, so far.
Years ago we had a family camping trip to Vermont.  We were camped in the Green Mountains and after everyone went to bed, which was about 8:30, I sat out and watched the fire.  Then I watched the skies and was amazed by how many meteors I saw.  Too many to count.
     That was my introduction to the Perseid's.  That was a long time ago, close to 40 years.
     Every year I hope I can recreate that experience.  But it's hard in Illinois because there is so much light pollution.
     I have resolved to head north next year....maybe to Lake Superior where there are little cabins to rent in a state park that would offer a  wide open view and plenty of dark.
     And mosquitoes, of course.
     But I think it would be worth it.
     Now......maybe it's time to go outside.  Going to get the bug spray first.
     Happy dreams.

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