Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Calamine, anyone?

I seem to have an outbreak of something

      After mowing yesterday, I noticed a couple of bumps on my left arm just above the wrist.  They itched.  I figured it was a bug bite.
      24 hours later I have blots on my arms, legs, and possibly my belly.  They itch.
     I asked Emily what her advice was, she said go to the doctor.  But he was already gone.
     I have used lotion on them and that helps, as does Benadryl.  But all that wears off after a while.
     I don't remember touching any plant.  I did trim with my weed whacker, and stuff did spray up on me, but I don't remember anything but grass.
      Hopefully it goes away.   Soon.
     I went to Amboy today.  Amboy is a little town southwest of us.  Amboy has a population of just a little under 3,000.  It's small.
     I like the town, although I noticed it looked a little "tired" this trip.
     They have a great museum, several bars, a grocery store and a huge celebration called Depot Days.  A merchant named Carson and his associate Pirie opened a dry goods store here sometime in the 1870s.  Carson, Pirie, Scott was the result.
But the big deal is the 50/50 drawing they do at Depot Days.  This drawing is in it's 18th year, if I did the math right.  Last year's winner got........$110,000.  You read that correctly, $110,000.
Winner need not be present to win.  They can call me anytime.

This was in the window of an antique store.....sounds like a nice lady

David Shapiro park on the south side of Amboy

Library looks familiar......

They still have lots of brick streets

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