Wednesday, August 1, 2018

and in the news

It can be a very strange world

     I went to buy groceries tonight and was denied!  I did not have a photo ID on me, so they would not sell me any groceries.  I was bummed.
     Have any of you faithful readers had similar experiences?
     The Centers for Disease Control, the group that keeps track of flu, epidemics, all all others diseases issued a warning against washing and reusing condoms.       Really?
     People actually do that?
     I wonder if they are hand washed?  I don't think you could toss them in with with the towels, or dishes, but what do I know.
     In Egypt, an ancient tomb was discovered.  Three people were buried in it and there was a mysterious red liquid inside the sarcophagus (and yes, it is spelled correctly) which people immediately wanted to drink.
      I guess they felt it would be neat, or healthy, or prolong their lives if they drank the mysterious red liquid.
     I bet they changed their minds when it was discovered the red liquid was actually sewage that leaked into the sarcophagus.  I also imagine there were people who still wanted to take a sip, probably the same people who wash condoms but not their hands after going potty.
     There is a video of an airplane that takes off at a 90 degree angle.
     I told Jackie if I was on a plant like that I would fill the barf bag at about the one minute mark of a flight.
     And finally, I spent some time at an emergency vet clinic last night.  Don't ask....long explanation.
     As SK (friend who is dog sitting the pack......) and I were waiting, a man came over and sat next to me.  He asked me if I had the black lab that was brought in.  I told him no.
     He then told me the black lab was stoned!  It evidently ate some brownies that had pot in them and was having trouble standing and moving.  His attention span wasn't good either.   The story he told me was the owners said the dog found the brownies in their yard, suspecting they were tossed from a car by someone about to be stopped by police.
     Sounds better than sayin you left he stash on the coffee table while you searched for M & Ms and Oreos.
     I do not know how the night turned out for them....hopefully the dog was fine.
     As they say in the fate business, all is well that ends well.
     And a good night or good day to you all.

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