Sunday, August 5, 2018

"twas a poopy day

I mean that literally

     I was at the zoo for a special event Sunday night.
     When I went to take out the snake, I noticed there was a huge glob of wet, white stuff.  I am no expert on poop, but I figured it was snake poop.  Policy is, if a snake poops, don't handle it.
     So I went for a chicken instead.
     As soon as I put it on my lap, it pooped all over my pants.
     Chicken poop is smelly.  And gross.  And hard to clean.
     And before any of this happened, I watched the Cubs.
     Poopy is a polite way to describe how they played the Padres, one of the worst teams in the league, this weekend.
     M y morning plan was poopy too.
     Get up early, weed the front garden before it gets hot, shower, have breakfast.       Sounds simple, right?
     Never did get outside.
     I just didn't feel like it....thinking Monday will be cooler and a better day to weed and pick the last of the beans.
     Now I think I will just head off to bed.  For some reason, I feel pooped.

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