Saturday, August 4, 2018

welcome to the Twilight Zone

Sometimes I wonder if it is real or not

     And by it, I mean my life.
     Last Friday I drove to the zoo.  Upon leaving the zoo, a message was displayed on my car:  tighten gas cap.
     So I tightened the gas cap.  Nothing changed.
     I was confused.  I drove all the way there and no message.  Did someone manage to open my gas cover, and put something in my tank?
     I drove for a while and stopped.  I even tightened the gas cap again.  I got out the manual and read the owner's manual.  I did everything that was suggested, but no change.
     When I got home I called  the dealer.  The man there said to wait for about 10 starts and the message will disappear.  It was gone on the fifth start.
     Then last night I was driving home from the game and all the dashboard lights went dark.  I could barely see the speedometer, and it was hard to tell exactly what my speed was.  They went off as I was driving.  Both hands on the wheel.
     I pulled over, shut off the car, started it again.  Nothing.
     Everything, lights, AC, wipers.......but the dashboard was very dark.
     I dropped Dan off and said I would have to take it in Monday.  As I was sitting in his driveway with the interior lights on, I saw a little dial and turned it.  The lights came back.
     Now this dial is in the lower corner of the speedometer.  No way could I have accidentally hit it. 
      I don't know why those two things happened.    Maybe my car is possessed.  There is not other reasonable explanation.
     Anyone able to perform an exorcism on a car?

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