Tuesday, August 28, 2018

all prepped

I was ready for the storms

     I made sure the grill was secure and the cover bungee corded in place, the hanging plants taken down, the lightweight chairs stored under the table on the deck........prepared.
     Usually I just ignore that stuff.  But I just felt tonight might require prudence.
     It was windy, and nothing was blown away....although a utility pole was blown down about 4 miles west, causing our power to blip on and off quickly.
     All I had to do was reset the times on the microwave and oven.
     We could not watch the ball game because they lost the connection, or something.  But rain hit Wrigley in the tenth, so nothing to watch anyway.
     I had a couple of cups of coffee and my morning tea, but that didn't prevent me from falling asleep in my chair.  I sat down at 3 and woke up at 5.  I did not intend to take a nap, but I did.  Another benefit of a retired life style.
     And today I went on a little walk with fifth graders from my old room.  We talked about Rochelle's history, and a local man who was one of the first casualties in the Gulf War in 1991.
     The kids were pretty well behaved.  I do miss that age group.  I don't miss the paperwork, parent conferences, lesson planning, getting up early....... but I do miss the energy of those kids.
     That's my life.

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