Wednesday, August 29, 2018

riding, riding, riding

I finally got a bike ride in today

     I last rode on Saturday.  But I only did part of the bike path because I got very hot and sticky.
     Sunday and Monday it was too hot, Tuesday it was too rainy, so today was the first chance I had.
     To be honest, I saw people out riding in the heat on Sunday and Monday.  But they are younger than me and heat doesn't bother young people.
     Riding clears my head, yet fills it at the same time.
     I talk to myself.  Out loud.   Nobody is around to hear me, at least I hope they aren't.
     I think.  Sometimes I think about things to write about, or things to joke about, or serious an oil train derailing and consuming me in a giant ball of fire so I am in the headlines of every paper....."Exploding train takes out retired teacher out for a bike at 11."
     Sometimes I survive the crash and am interviewed by major news networks.
         Reporter:  Did  this horrific fireball and derailment surprise you?
        Me             Heck no.  In fact, I had them in the pool.  See here?  Massive destruction and giant fireball.....12:57 p.m. Aug. 30.
     I try to remember things.  The characters on Cheers.  Members of The Monkeys.  (I get Davey Jones, Peter Tork, Michael Nesmeth but Mickey Dolenz always slips my mind, although I can see that round face clearly.)  Beatles song lyrics. Lines from Casablanca.  Who was stuck on Gilligan's Island.  Who  I would like to be stuck with on Gilligan's Island.  (Hint:  Not Gilligan, the Skipper, the Professor or the millionaire or his wife.)
     Stuff like that.
     Before I know it, my ride is over. 
     And I return to the real world.
     Hopefully, it will be sunny and dry tomorrow.
     Because paraphrasing an old TV show, The old teacher rides again!
     Good night and thanks for reading me.

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