Thursday, August 9, 2018

the scream

Sometimes I feel life is surreal

     Seriously.  I feel like that face in the Edvard Munch painting, "The Scream."
Hands on my face, mouth open, just screaming.  And sometimes I do that.  But I try to make sure no one is around to hear me.
     I need gas in my car.  Did I remember that when I was in town twice today?
Nope.  Nada.  Not me.  Scream!!!!!
     Have I called the hearing aid people?  Or have I procrastinated because I don't want to be an old guy wearing hearing aids?   Scream!!!!
     Why do I have stuff in my garage that I have no need for, have not used, but can not get rid of because someone might be able to repurpose it?  Scream!!!!
     What happened to my plans to visit the Holocaust Museum in Skokie?   Scream!!
     Or take an architectural history boat tour?   Scream!!!!
     Why can't I remember to trap the damn ground squirrels?   Scream!!!
     When are the Cubs going to start a long winning streak?   Scream!!!
     Why am I so disorganized and distracted?  Scream!!!!!
     Is that another insane tweet from what's his name?     Scream!!!!!!!
     Wow.  I feel so much better now.
     Hopefully tomorrow will bring a world where I don't feel I need to scream as much.
     Just don't be listening real closely.
    Peace and love to all.

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