Sunday, August 19, 2018

I love a parade

I watched the local parade today

     I think this is the third year in a row I have watched.
     Usually I march with someone, but the last three years I have been a spectator.
It makes it easier for Jackie to see it too.
      We set up in the yard of our friends, right on the parade route.  (Thanks Art and Kathy for letting us use your lawn.
     I caught a lot of candy and kept putting it on the blanket of the little girl next to us.  She had no idea where it was coming from until her mother told her it was from me.  I think she thought there were magic candy fairies.
     It was great to see friends in the parade....even a couple of older folks who walked the whole route touting their causes.
     It was a fun day.  But then I watched the Cubs.  That was a downer.
    Here are a few pictures from today.

Museum's entry

Library had Lincoln

VCCT is on the move!

That's all, folks!!

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