Wednesday, August 22, 2018

tricks...not treats

My mind is playing havoc with my body 

     I went to bed at 11 last night and slept until 2.
     But I could not get back to sleep.  Weird, scary thoughts kept popping into my mind.
     I was out of bed at 3.....and stayed up until 4:30. 
     When I went to bed, Corki had taken over my side of the bed and my pillow.         I pushed her, pulled her, she would not move.
    So I got in bed and covered up.
    Corki was completely under the blanket.....and seemed to like it.
     But at some point, it was light outside, she got up and started walking toward the foot of the bed under the cover.   She looked like a ghost!
     I pulled the cover off her and she jumped to the floor.
     The whole time this tussle was going on, someone was sleeping soundly.
     I heard the cuckoo at 5....but then I drifted off to sleep.
     We had to take the car in for detailing today.  The alarm went off at 7:30.
     I told Jackie I was going to lie down (lay down?) when I got home.  So I slept from about 9 to noon.
     Now, I am tired but I wonder if I will be able to sleep.
     And if my mind will produce the fright thoughts again.
     But the car looks nice!
     And I rode my bike.  And mowed.  And did some laundry. 
     And half watched the Cubs finally win.
     Maybe all that will work to put me out for 8 least I hope.

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