Thursday, August 16, 2018

and so it goes

Had a busy day again today

     At the last vet visit, it was noted that Corki may have a bad tooth and she should have a cleaning. was the cleaning day.  Had to have her there at 7:45, which meant getting up early.  I actually had her there at 7:20 because I have a problem with time and memory.
     Long story....three teeth extracted. 
     She is doing well, but was really happy to see us.
     Jackie and I went and had our toes done.  Yes, I get a regular pedicure because my hedge trimmers are too hard for me to use on my toes.  It always feels good when they are done.
     Also worked in a stop at Ollie's.......which did not help my attempt to control sugar and carbs.
     We did all that and picked up Corki and came home.  She sat in Jackie's lap the entire way. 
     Topping it off?  A Cubs win.
     But I do have a problem.  I have a story I am working on.  It is in a black three ring binder.  It has been sitting in the den for several months, but today seems to be gone.
     My best shot for a Pulitzer prize has vanished!
     Whenever something like that happens I realize it is time to clean up the den.
     Thus,  that will be my chore tomorrow. 
     Hopefully I will find the Greatest Novel Ever Written then.
     So.......good night.  I am a little tired.

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