Friday, August 10, 2018


I had a really nice day today

     It was a zoo day.  That is always good.
     The tollway is under construction.  That is not good.
     But there is an added benefit.
     I drove from Rochelle to the oasis in DeKalb, which is about 20 miles or so, at the steady speed of 45.  I was behind a tollway truck...actually about 10 cars behind it..... and he was obeying the 45 mph work zone speed limit.
     Look what happened because of that!

     Yes, I listen to NPR....but look at the mileage!!
     I had pulled in to the oasis because I always stop there lately.  (I say that so you know I was not taking a picture while driving.  No texting either.  Ever.)
     Driving at a slower speed really increased my mileage.  Once past Il 47 the speed limit returns to normal, and my mileage shrank.  But on the day, I averaged 50.1 mpg on the trip....more than I have ever averaged.
     When Jimmy Carter set the national speed limit at 55 during the fuel embargo years ago, there was a reason for doing that.  Slower speeds save fuel.
     And I had a big surprise today.
     I had a guinea pig out and a little girl with the blondest hair quietly came up to pet it.  She was adorable, maybe 4 years old.  Lots of freckles.  Yet she looked strangely familiar.
     Then her mother said, "Mr. Dickow!    Do you remember me?" 
     I looked up and saw a face that closely resembled the little girl's.
     I admitted I didn't, and she told me her name, Stacy.  Of course I remembered her!  That was why the little girl looked so familiar, she looked just like her mother.
     I hadn't seen this girl in a good 20 + years.  She was as surprised as I was at meeting each other again.
    By the way, her parents live in our subdivision, but I haven't seen them in a year!
      The final piece in the good day puzzle?  Cubs win , baby, Cubs win.
      All in all, a very good day.
      With that, adieu, mon amis.  Adieu.

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