Friday, August 31, 2018

learning something every day

Sometimes I just do an ooops

     I took a lot of pictures on vacation this summer.
     I downloaded them from my good camera...something like 1,200 pictures.
     Then I spent considerable time weeding out about 400 pictures, editing them out on the computer.
     The other day I plugged in my camera to download some pictures.  I had not deleted the files on the camera after I downloaded them to the computer.
     So the computer read the files and downloaded the 400 pictures I had deleted.
     Kinda stresses me out a little when I do stuff like that!
     Now I have to start over.  
     It's really hard for me to make decisions on pictures.  I love all of them.
     But I have resolved to get these into a book I can look at someday and even show people, asking them, "Who are these people?"
     True story.  (Not that all my stories aren't true.  But this one is really true.)
     After my mom died, I ended up with all the pictures she had taken.  
     I went through them, looking at people who she knew but I didn't.  She had marked most of them on the back.
     There was one picture of a nice looking older gent standing in front of her house in Leisure Village in Fox Lake.
     On the back she had written:  "Who the hell is this?"
     I always laugh when I think of her pictures.
    She also had a tendency to take pictures but either cut off people at their noses or you had pictures of people with partial faces.  Sometimes they did not have heads at all.
     I miss those days.
     Tomorrow I have to try to figure out what is causing that extremely strange smell in my garage.
    Good night....sleep tight....don't let your memories bring fright.

Thursday, August 30, 2018

go figure

Sometimes life is a puzzle

     For instance, I can't get distances down.  When I ride my bike, one loop around my subdivision is 2.3 miles. 
     So today, I decided to ride into town. 
     I went partway through my subdivision, then out onto Skare Road, then north to Fowler Road, then east.....and just before I got to Emily and John's street, I hit a mile.  I didn't hit two miles until almost Flagg Center!
     Just seems longer than 2 miles, or one loop around the subdivision.
     Anyway, my round trip from my house to the Cypress House was 13.3 miles.       When I ride the bike path, including the spur, it is almost 12.2 miles.  It just does not seem possible that I am going about the same distance.
     Another example of a puzzle.
     For the past two weeks my left hip has been sore.  I have tried ointments. heating pads, ice......nothing helps.  Two nights ago I could not sleep it was so sore.
     At some point as I was tossing and turning I turned and heard a snap, like when you crack your knuckles.  And the pain was gone!  I have not hurt since!
     In my non medical mind, I must have had a piece of cartilage break off and get stuck in the hip joint. It eventually worked its way free.  True, I am not a doctor, but I have spent nights in a Holiday Inn.
     And finally, why do I get so hungry at about 10?  I am starving!  I just had a yogurt, and that helps.  But I am hungry.
     Something salty...and sweet....and crunchy....and tasty.......
     Or maybe a glass of water instead.
     That would be wiser.......but not as much fun.
    Good night, or good morning.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

riding, riding, riding

I finally got a bike ride in today

     I last rode on Saturday.  But I only did part of the bike path because I got very hot and sticky.
     Sunday and Monday it was too hot, Tuesday it was too rainy, so today was the first chance I had.
     To be honest, I saw people out riding in the heat on Sunday and Monday.  But they are younger than me and heat doesn't bother young people.
     Riding clears my head, yet fills it at the same time.
     I talk to myself.  Out loud.   Nobody is around to hear me, at least I hope they aren't.
     I think.  Sometimes I think about things to write about, or things to joke about, or serious an oil train derailing and consuming me in a giant ball of fire so I am in the headlines of every paper....."Exploding train takes out retired teacher out for a bike at 11."
     Sometimes I survive the crash and am interviewed by major news networks.
         Reporter:  Did  this horrific fireball and derailment surprise you?
        Me             Heck no.  In fact, I had them in the pool.  See here?  Massive destruction and giant fireball.....12:57 p.m. Aug. 30.
     I try to remember things.  The characters on Cheers.  Members of The Monkeys.  (I get Davey Jones, Peter Tork, Michael Nesmeth but Mickey Dolenz always slips my mind, although I can see that round face clearly.)  Beatles song lyrics. Lines from Casablanca.  Who was stuck on Gilligan's Island.  Who  I would like to be stuck with on Gilligan's Island.  (Hint:  Not Gilligan, the Skipper, the Professor or the millionaire or his wife.)
     Stuff like that.
     Before I know it, my ride is over. 
     And I return to the real world.
     Hopefully, it will be sunny and dry tomorrow.
     Because paraphrasing an old TV show, The old teacher rides again!
     Good night and thanks for reading me.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

all prepped

I was ready for the storms

     I made sure the grill was secure and the cover bungee corded in place, the hanging plants taken down, the lightweight chairs stored under the table on the deck........prepared.
     Usually I just ignore that stuff.  But I just felt tonight might require prudence.
     It was windy, and nothing was blown away....although a utility pole was blown down about 4 miles west, causing our power to blip on and off quickly.
     All I had to do was reset the times on the microwave and oven.
     We could not watch the ball game because they lost the connection, or something.  But rain hit Wrigley in the tenth, so nothing to watch anyway.
     I had a couple of cups of coffee and my morning tea, but that didn't prevent me from falling asleep in my chair.  I sat down at 3 and woke up at 5.  I did not intend to take a nap, but I did.  Another benefit of a retired life style.
     And today I went on a little walk with fifth graders from my old room.  We talked about Rochelle's history, and a local man who was one of the first casualties in the Gulf War in 1991.
     The kids were pretty well behaved.  I do miss that age group.  I don't miss the paperwork, parent conferences, lesson planning, getting up early....... but I do miss the energy of those kids.
     That's my life.

Monday, August 27, 2018

it was hot

Today was not a good weather day

It was so muggy, I had my wallet taken three times!
It was so hot, the grass actually turned over!
It was so hot, flies were ringing my doorbell to come in!
It was so muggy, I had to use a pry bar to free my arm after it became stuck to my side!
It was so hot, birds actually took shelter in the shade my belly provided!
It was so hot, one  politician actually thought he had died and awakened to his afterlife!
It was so hot, fish jumped out of the Rock River already boiled!
It was so hot, I could fry a steak on the sidewalk to go with the egg!
It was so hot, yogis gave up walking on hot coals and walked barefot on baking roads instead!
It was so hot, I saw a tree shed its bark in an attempt to get cool!
It was so hot, I could not think of anything else to write!
Good night!!

Sunday, August 26, 2018

what happened??

I had an unreal experience today

     For the past three weeks I have been making an effort to avoid sugar and sugary foods. 
     So, almost  no pop.  No frosted cereal.  No adding sugar to my coffee.  No ultra caramel frappe concoctions from the coffee people.
     No pop is the ultimate aim, but I do have one a week.  That was yesterday.
     And today I stopped at the big name coffee shop in DeKalb and had an ultra  caramel frappe concoction.l
     I took one sip.....and I did not like it!  I have had about 10 of them this summer, usually on my way home from the zoo, and I loved all of them.
     Today?  It was sweet...sickening sweet.
     I think that is a good thing, but how did that happen to me?
     I love chocolate, donuts, cookies, anything that is sweet.  But lately I have hardly had any of those items....except for the German Christmas cookies I have been saving.
     Sugar could be my nickname.  (Or my professional name if I was a stripper.  But I am not.)
     So for me to be turned off by it is kind of strange.
     I just hope I can keep it up and get it off!!!
     And that is my thought for the night.
     Sweet dreams........or in my case, no sugar dreams.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

a white rabbit

I might be a well known character in disguise

     I think I am the White Rabbit in a different life.
     He's late, he's late, for a very important date.
     The story of my life.
     I am always in a rush.  Always doing stuff at the last minute.
     Sometimes it is procrastination, sometimes I am busy but usually it's because is just screwed up on the times.
     Be somewhere to buy raffle tickets?  I barely get there, thinking I am half an hour early but actually at the closing time of the booth.
     You've heard me say it hundreds of times.....  I just get cobbled.
     And it is not a new development. 
     Before Jackie and I were married, we went to a going away party for a college friend.  Jackie asked me dozens of times about the party and I always said it was at 2 p.m. on Sunday.   Well, we were 24 hours late.  It was on Saturday.
     I almost got on the wrong train twice because I did not read the complete listing.  And it's always because I procrastinate or just get rushed.
     Like this week.  I do a column for the local paper every second and fourth Sunday.  I write the column on Wednesday-Thursday and e-mail it Thursday night.
     I got in a hurry Thursday night and finished the column late at night.  I then sent it to the wrong person!  Sure, the first names were the same, but I was in a hurry and did not check the total drop down menu.
     We had a Buffett party today and I went for a brief while....but again, I was in a rush to get there and in a rush to leave, so much so that I forgot about having a good time in the middle.  I was enjoying the company when the White Rabbit appeared and started shouting , "You're late!  You're late!"
     Sad thing is, I will never change.  I'm too old a dog to learn new tricks.
     Now, I'm going to bed before the day ends.
     Peace and love to all.

Friday, August 24, 2018

game on

Hey Hey, no doubt about it!

     I know, some of you are not Cubs fans.  We can discuss your state of mental health some other time.
     Was at a great game today along with John, Dan and Linda.  .  Excellent pitching from a kid called up from the minors, clutch hitting by Murphy who homered in the eighth and a super at bat from Bote, who homered in the bottom of the tenth to win it.  Bote may be a rookie, buy he will forever be etched in the memory of  Cubs' fans.
     On the way home I decided to get a chicken snack.  Got the snack, was in the car, decided to check messages and saw I had one from Jackie.
     I called.  She relayed a story of someone who was followed out of Wally world and then followed home, by people in a white van.
     She was worried because Emily worked until 9.  She asked me to make sure Emily got to the car safely.
     I was hungry.  So I drove back to Wally world and sat in the parking lot, eating my two piece chicken snack.  No fork for the macaroni salad, but the chicken was good.
     Then I went in and talked to Emily.
     Now, supposedly this following out to the car thing has happened twice.  But Emily was not very concerned.  No one had reported it to the police.  No one had reported it to the county sheriff.  No one had said anything to store management.
     She assured me she was safe.  Besides, she could always call John, but I said I was already there.
     I assured her life would be hell for me when I got home and had not made sure she made it to her car.
     I had 25 minutes to kill, so I wandered the store looking for a step ladder.  I did not like what I found.  So I did the next most logical thing....went back to the place I got the chicken and ordered  mint chocolate chip ice cream in a cone, one scoop.
     Then I went back to the parking lot, ate ice cream, listened to the radio,  and watched Emily walk safely to her car.
     Every one's happy.
    Now, for some pictures:

Chicago's city a castle

Had a Pub burger at the special food court.....two patties, roasted tomato, whipped cheddar and onion rings on a pretzel meal of the year at Wrigley!

Shot through the elephant gate

When you are special, you get to pose by this iconic spot

Reds' bullpen can see out, we can't see in

Bote getting doused when crossing the plate

This sign is on a building.......I have no idea why.  Lots of people here of varying backgrounds.  Anyone have any idea?

That's the building.
So much for my day as baseball fan, food fanatic, and paranoid parent.
Peace to all.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

does it show?

I have been cutting down on sugars

    Seriously.  I hardly have any pop, I now drink coffee with cream and no sugar,       I even cut out the ultra caramel frappa-whatever at my favorite not in Rochelle coffee shop.
     And today I had a cold brewed  sugar free French vanilla iced coffee at my favorite in town coffee place and it was pretty good.
     I do snack on four pieces of chocolate a day...two in the afternoon and two at night.  But they are small.
     I expect my stomach to shrink any day now.  Any day.  Any.  Soon.
     I don't look for miracles.  It took me 30 years to build my protruding belly, so it will take at least 10 to get rid of it.  That doesn't leave me much time to be a small bellied man, does it?
     Lately I have gone up to friends in their 30s and tapped them on their bellies while saying, "Don't let that get away from you or else you will look like me.  Get rid of it now, before it's too late."
     Of course, do that to a stranger and it becomes a social media issue.  But my friends just look at me like I am crazy.
     Maybe I am.  But it just may be a lunatic they're lookin' for.
     That's all I got.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

tricks...not treats

My mind is playing havoc with my body 

     I went to bed at 11 last night and slept until 2.
     But I could not get back to sleep.  Weird, scary thoughts kept popping into my mind.
     I was out of bed at 3.....and stayed up until 4:30. 
     When I went to bed, Corki had taken over my side of the bed and my pillow.         I pushed her, pulled her, she would not move.
    So I got in bed and covered up.
    Corki was completely under the blanket.....and seemed to like it.
     But at some point, it was light outside, she got up and started walking toward the foot of the bed under the cover.   She looked like a ghost!
     I pulled the cover off her and she jumped to the floor.
     The whole time this tussle was going on, someone was sleeping soundly.
     I heard the cuckoo at 5....but then I drifted off to sleep.
     We had to take the car in for detailing today.  The alarm went off at 7:30.
     I told Jackie I was going to lie down (lay down?) when I got home.  So I slept from about 9 to noon.
     Now, I am tired but I wonder if I will be able to sleep.
     And if my mind will produce the fright thoughts again.
     But the car looks nice!
     And I rode my bike.  And mowed.  And did some laundry. 
     And half watched the Cubs finally win.
     Maybe all that will work to put me out for 8 least I hope.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

is it still funny?

I mean, my forgetting things

     Maybe I am just not noticing signs. 
     And that is not  figurative.  I went to visit someone in a nursing home/rehab facility and did not read the sign that said "Ring bell before opening door.     Opening door sets off alarm."  And it did.  A loud alarm .  How those old people can sleep through that is beyond me!
     On the way out, I read the sign, did as instructed, and the alarm did not go off, to my relief.
     Kings School has a sign that says press gray button first.  But the gray button is on the bottom.  So I always seem to press the white one, which must echo through the school instead of just the office.
     Oh well.
     Tonight I felt like having hamburgers.  I cooked two on the grill.
     If you know how I cook, you be be assured they were well done.  Mine was actually a bit dry......gotta watch those things better.
     At 9 I went out to cover the grill and found, to my amazement it, was still on!
     I forgot to shut off the grill!
     Usually I turn it off, then turn off the gas but I did neither.
     At around 8 Jackie asked me to put a load of clothes in the washer.  I moved the clothes that were  in the washer to the dryer, loaded the clothes, added the soap and walked away,
     At 9 I went in to check the progress and found out I never started the dryer! 
     Which wasn't so bad, because I never started the washer either!!
     Up until tonight, my day was going great.  I weeded, I rode, I went to my cult gathering.....all was good.
     Then I started watching the Cubs and everything went to hell.
     But now the grill is cool, ready to be covered.
     One load of wash is folded and put away.
     The second load is in its final minutes in the dryer.
     Just in time....this guy is tired.
     Have sweet dreams........ and may the bird of paradise fly up your nose.

Monday, August 20, 2018

life's mysteries....unsolved

Sometimes I just get so confused

     Starting off with three pictures.  You match the picture to the situation and you could win a prize!

Picture A

Picture B

Picture C are the mysteries.

     Terry develops a taste for a German cookie that only comes out at Christmas time, thanks to Megan, who has whetted his appetite for the delicious holiday treat.  After exhausting his supplies, he stumbles upon a similar cookie sold at Aldi's.  He tries t hem.  They are not as good as the cookies from Switzerland, but he likes them.  He likes them a lot.  When they go on sale for half a buck he buys several packages and carefully freezes them.  Knowing they bring so much joy at Christmas, Terry is hoping to recapture that holiday feeling during summer's hottest days.  But he will the cookies survive n a deep, deep freeze?   A mystery solved? 

     It's a cold January day when Terry sends off his order to Burpee seeds.  He orders green beans, Italian beans, carrots, sugar snap peas, and burpless cucumbers.  He dutifully works the soil in his raised gardens and when the warm winds dispel winter's cold grip, he plants his seeds.  (Not a metaphor for any sexual activity).  He follows the directions carefully, making two mounds for cucumbers and placing seeds one half inch deep, three inches apart.  Beans do well.  Carrots do ok.  Peas are fine.  A volunteer cucumber sprouts from a spot between his hills.  For some reason, he does not pull this volunteer, perhaps relying on his liberal philosophy of let living things be.  He harvests his first cucumber this week.  It does not look normal.  A mystery solved?

     Spending three years "playing around" with a book idea eventually results in a completed rough draft.  Proud of his work, he prints the book, punches holes in the margins, and puts it in a black book so he can work on it.  He takes it to the public library in March to work on it, reading and making corrections and additions.  He then puts the black notebook somewhere where he will easily be able to find his manuscript.  But two weeks ago, the black notebook can't be found.  He looks in the car, the bed, behind the desk, through the closet, through the closet again, at the library.....but the manuscript in the black binder has disappeared.  A mystery solved?

Sunday, August 19, 2018

I love a parade

I watched the local parade today

     I think this is the third year in a row I have watched.
     Usually I march with someone, but the last three years I have been a spectator.
It makes it easier for Jackie to see it too.
      We set up in the yard of our friends, right on the parade route.  (Thanks Art and Kathy for letting us use your lawn.
     I caught a lot of candy and kept putting it on the blanket of the little girl next to us.  She had no idea where it was coming from until her mother told her it was from me.  I think she thought there were magic candy fairies.
     It was great to see friends in the parade....even a couple of older folks who walked the whole route touting their causes.
     It was a fun day.  But then I watched the Cubs.  That was a downer.
    Here are a few pictures from today.

Museum's entry

Library had Lincoln

VCCT is on the move!

That's all, folks!!

Saturday, August 18, 2018

getting a leg up....or down

Went to the Renaissance Faire in Bristol today

     If you have never gone, you should.  Watching the people is a hoot.  One fashion statement I can make is cleavage is NOT out of style!
     Instead of a lot of words, the pictures can speak a thousand.  I hope.
God Save the Queen!!!

This guy is a barrel of laughs!

Nothing like a turkey leg to get you going!

Free grapes!

That was one hot whip!

The fairies are always lovely....and silent

Ever want to throw tomatoes at someone?  This is your target.  He is very funny, politically incorrect, insulting, and seldom gets hit by a tomato

When he does, he takes names.....

What would Jesus do?  For the religious in the crowd

Friday, August 17, 2018

menu, please

I need to always check the menu before ordering

     I don't seem to learn that lesson.
     Long time ago, Jackie, Julia and I went to see the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
     It was hot.  We walked a lot.  We were tired.  And hungry.  And thirsty.
     So we sat down at a little outdoor cafe on a street near the tower.
     My first clue should have been  when the waiter came.  He looked like Lurch from Adams Family.
    Each of us ordered a sandwich and a large soda.
     Lurch came out with the drinks, and they were huge.
     An Englishman at the next table said to us:  "Watch your check.  Those are 15 Euros each."
     I laughed, thinking he was joking.
    He was not.
    We paid 45 Euros for three drinks, plus another 16 Euros for two sandwiches.  61 Euros for lunch!
      That night we went to a local restaurant and had salad, a meal, dessert and wine and the bill was less than 50 Euro.
     But I digress.
     Friday night is don't cook at home in our house night.  Usually we have pizza, but tonight I went to the local festival and got two pork chops from the firemen's booth.  They were a bargain at $4.50 each.  And they tasted amazing!
     But I was missing something.  So I found a booth that sold fries and onion rings.
     I ordered one of each.  $13!!  Seriously!!!  I was shocked.
     No, I did not look at the menu for prices.  I could have done without the fries, the first I have had in 3 weeks, especially if I had known the price.
     But Jackie and I enjoyed the dinner anyway. 
     And the girl working the stand was much better looking than Lurch.
     But the fries were not as good at the arch's place.  Not a lot of them either.
Which I guess is ok.
     Now, tomorrow, I can sense a turkey leg in my future.......
     Sweet dreams.

Thursday, August 16, 2018

and so it goes

Had a busy day again today

     At the last vet visit, it was noted that Corki may have a bad tooth and she should have a cleaning. was the cleaning day.  Had to have her there at 7:45, which meant getting up early.  I actually had her there at 7:20 because I have a problem with time and memory.
     Long story....three teeth extracted. 
     She is doing well, but was really happy to see us.
     Jackie and I went and had our toes done.  Yes, I get a regular pedicure because my hedge trimmers are too hard for me to use on my toes.  It always feels good when they are done.
     Also worked in a stop at Ollie's.......which did not help my attempt to control sugar and carbs.
     We did all that and picked up Corki and came home.  She sat in Jackie's lap the entire way. 
     Topping it off?  A Cubs win.
     But I do have a problem.  I have a story I am working on.  It is in a black three ring binder.  It has been sitting in the den for several months, but today seems to be gone.
     My best shot for a Pulitzer prize has vanished!
     Whenever something like that happens I realize it is time to clean up the den.
     Thus,  that will be my chore tomorrow. 
     Hopefully I will find the Greatest Novel Ever Written then.
     So.......good night.  I am a little tired.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Calamine, anyone?

I seem to have an outbreak of something

      After mowing yesterday, I noticed a couple of bumps on my left arm just above the wrist.  They itched.  I figured it was a bug bite.
      24 hours later I have blots on my arms, legs, and possibly my belly.  They itch.
     I asked Emily what her advice was, she said go to the doctor.  But he was already gone.
     I have used lotion on them and that helps, as does Benadryl.  But all that wears off after a while.
     I don't remember touching any plant.  I did trim with my weed whacker, and stuff did spray up on me, but I don't remember anything but grass.
      Hopefully it goes away.   Soon.
     I went to Amboy today.  Amboy is a little town southwest of us.  Amboy has a population of just a little under 3,000.  It's small.
     I like the town, although I noticed it looked a little "tired" this trip.
     They have a great museum, several bars, a grocery store and a huge celebration called Depot Days.  A merchant named Carson and his associate Pirie opened a dry goods store here sometime in the 1870s.  Carson, Pirie, Scott was the result.
But the big deal is the 50/50 drawing they do at Depot Days.  This drawing is in it's 18th year, if I did the math right.  Last year's winner got........$110,000.  You read that correctly, $110,000.
Winner need not be present to win.  They can call me anytime.

This was in the window of an antique store.....sounds like a nice lady

David Shapiro park on the south side of Amboy

Library looks familiar......

They still have lots of brick streets

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

ah, sweetness

I had a taste orgasm today

     My friends Dan and Linda were in southern Illinois over the weekend and brought me fresh peaches!
     I had one yesterday, but it seemed a little hard.
     This morning I bit into one and it was heaven!  Sweet, tasty, and the juice just  rolled down my double chins.  Plus they are huge!  (The peaches, not the chins.  Although they are large.)
     My annual quest has been achieved.
     When John and Emily came back from Canada, they stopped at a Michigan farm stand and brought three pints of Michigan cherries.  I finished them one week later.  All three pints.
     I have this thing about peaches.  I don't mind the Georgia ones, or the California ones, or the Colorado ones.........but I just love the Illinois peaches.    And Wisconsin or Michigan cherries.  They are just so much better than ones picked three weeks ago and kept in cold storage until they hit the shelves.
     Maybe it is just me.  Maybe they all taste the same. Maybe I am nuts.
     Some people say I am nuts because I have a fear of high bridges, elevators, tall buildings.  I always think I am the one that causes them to collapse.
     Everyone says not to worry....but yesterday in Italy a bridge did collapse and killed over 20 people.  So maybe my fears are not so irrational after all.
     I burned a little library tonight.  We built them out of the wrong material, and they are falling apart.  So I decided to burn one.
     I think I have several mosquito bites, despite bug spray.
     And I have three circles on my wrist which popped up at some point today.    They itch.  I don't recall touching anything unusual or getting bit.
     Wouldn't it be a kick in the crotch if it is an allergic reaction to ..... peaches?
     Going to wonder all night.  And maybe wander too.
     Hope tomorrow is a great day for all of you.
    Peach and love, dudes and dudettes.  ( Get it?  Peach?.....golly I am a hoot!)

Monday, August 13, 2018

checkbook time

Jackie is balancing the checkbook

     Jackie.  Not me.
     In fact, I try to not even be in the house when she does this.
     There generally is a list of questions about checks missing from the checkbook and possibly written by me to people who I can't remember for amounts I don't know.
     This calls for her to make a trip to the computer to try to figure out amounts.
     I have a philosophy that is quite different from hers.
     The bank sends a statement.  If it seem right, I am willing to write any checks.  Maybe I am wrong to trust their math over my own, but too many times I have added 3 + 4 and gotten 9.
     At one time she insisted she had to balance to the penny!  It would take her days to find the mistake, but she always did.  I told her just to skip it.  It's a penny.  I would even advocate for not worrying about anything under $10,  but I know that won't fly.
     My mother had a "unique" way of keeping a checkbook.  She rounded everything off to the nearest 10.  So, a check for $24.95 went in the checkbook as $20 while a check for $29.50 went in as $30.
     At the end of each month, she would look at the statements and if she had money, great, if not, well, she figured it out.
     About every 2 years  or so we would close out her checking account, move to a new bank, and start over.
     And when we did that, her balance and the bank's were always pretty close.
     But the problem with that way of operating is eventually you run out of banks.
     Never checks.....always have plenty of them....just banks.
     With that, good night and God bless us everyone.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

my last chance

I am waiting for more darkness

     I have been out two nights looking for shooting stars.  I have seen three, but I have five mosquito bites.  Not a good ratio.
     I am planning on going out tonight to look.  This is supposed to be the best night of the best meteor shower of the year.
     Usually, for me, that means rain or clouds.  Tonight seems to be ok, so far.
Years ago we had a family camping trip to Vermont.  We were camped in the Green Mountains and after everyone went to bed, which was about 8:30, I sat out and watched the fire.  Then I watched the skies and was amazed by how many meteors I saw.  Too many to count.
     That was my introduction to the Perseid's.  That was a long time ago, close to 40 years.
     Every year I hope I can recreate that experience.  But it's hard in Illinois because there is so much light pollution.
     I have resolved to head north next year....maybe to Lake Superior where there are little cabins to rent in a state park that would offer a  wide open view and plenty of dark.
     And mosquitoes, of course.
     But I think it would be worth it.
     Now......maybe it's time to go outside.  Going to get the bug spray first.
     Happy dreams.

Saturday, August 11, 2018

This was a first

I did a first today!

     I had never gone to Lookingglass Theater in downtown Chicago for a show.  but I read a review of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and it sounded neat, so Emily, John and I went.
     Lookingglass is housed in the water works, formally known as the Chicago Avenue Pumping Station,  across from the  water tower.  It has the same stone construction as the tower and was built in 1869, two years before the great fire.
     Lookingglass had been homeless since it's formation and in 2003 moved into the newly renovated space.
     The theater is small, seating about 240 according to Wikipedia.  It did not look like that many could fit in though.  People sit in chairs on raised platforms around three sides of the stage.
     This show featured a part of the stage that was raised or lowered or tilted on several occasions.  There were also some puppets, including a large tentacle of a giant squid, that took everyone by surprise.
     It was a pretty neat show.
     We had reservations for a restaurant at 12:30.  We got there at 1.  Luckily there were tables available and we sat almost immediately.
     Our food got there at about 1:37.......and the show started at 2.
     I have never eaten so fast in my life! None of us had!
     I think it took less than 10 minutes to eat, we got to the theater about 5 to and sat back to watch the show.
     I had a really good burger....but I did not do a great job of tasting it...chew and swallow, chew and swallow.
     I'll have to go back to the restaurant and enjoy the food.
     Here are some pictures of the day

Inside the water works

Where am I???

In Water Tower Place

This guy has a restuarant?  Who knew??