Monday, April 30, 2018

kiss slap

It was a kiss slap kind of day

     You know how it is when someone gives you a compliment, then follows it with but?  Usually, it's a big but, too.
     Like this:  I really appreciated your great e-mail, but maybe you could check your spelling next time.
     Or:  That was a great presentation.  But next time, try to remember to tell about it's warranty.
     A kiss, or compliment; followed by a slap.
     I'll start with the slap.
     Emily and John got back from a greyhound event in Gettysburg, PA late last night.  This morning one of the dogs, Amelia, got sick.  They took her to the vet, and nothing was found wrong but the dog was not recovering.  They took her to the emergency animal hospital in Aurora, but before they could get there Amelia died.
     We are all in shock.
     She was such a sweet dog.  Gentle, a little shy, but always ready for some head scratching and back rubbing.  Emily and John are devastated, understandably so.
     We all know pets don't live forever.  But they do become part of your family, a huge part of your life, and when they die, it hurts.
     A beautiful day, yet a very sad one.  The kiss, and then the slap.
     Tomorrow I'll tell you about my day.

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