Wednesday, April 18, 2018

How 'bout that

I almost accomplished something today

     I did fire off two e-mails about not getting WGN on the telly.  Yes, it bothers me a lot.  I can't hold it in any longer....I am damn mad!!
     It just frosts my cookies that I can't watch a Chicago TV station because some idiots in Rockford don't like competition.
     I'm also upset because we have one place in town that sells groceries and they no longer sell Dean's milk.  I know, there is another place that sells milk, but too often the expiration date is too close to today's date.
     Now that I am started, the Tribune is on my shit list also.  As of April 28 they will not be delivering in my area.  I asked if I could have the paper dropped at in town address and the response was no, all deliveries were ending.  What the hell????
     And what is going on with the weather?  This is supposed to be spring.  That means 50s and 60s and even a 70 once in a while, not 31 with a feels like temp of 24.  And snow.  Really?
     It better warm up for next week because I ordered mulch today and I will be locked in a room with Fox news on every TV before I work outside in cold, damp weather.
     There.  I'm Done.
     Had a fun time at the high school helping out with the Chuck a Duck game.  Kids bought little ducks and then threw them into a circle, if they landed on a picture of the duck they won a prize.  NO THEY WERE NOT LIVE DUCKS.  THEY WERE RUBBER.  DON'T GET YOUR SHORTS IN A KNOT!
     And I paid for my bike trip.  Funny thing, I called my credit card company and they were told, in advance, the amount and country of origin for the transaction.
     "No problem," the lady said.  "You are all set."
     Transaction denied.  Granted, all I had to do was confirm it, but I had already called and went through the main menu twice before it seemed to understand my question.
     How do I get a transaction pre approved?
     "You are disputing a charge, is that correct?"
     No, I have not made the charge yet.
     "You are asking about your line of credit, correct?"
     No.  Operator.  Agent. Help.
     No wonder my BP is 659.
     Time for bed. 
     Hope it is not Stormy again tomorrow.
     Peace to all, and to all a good night

1 comment:

  1. have a great day...
