Friday, April 13, 2018

Friday, the 13th

This was not a good day

     Normally any day at the ball park is great, just no today.
     It was cold and windy.  The Cubs did not play well today, errors, not a lot of hitting, no clutch hitting with men on base, and not keeping the other team from scoring.
     Like I said, bad day.
     Being with John, Linda and Dan made it better, but the cold wind blowing in made it a chilly afternoon.
     In years past we sat in the 400 section.  Today we were in the 500 section because the 8 pack seats moved up to accommodate season ticket holders displaced by the $32,000 club level seats.
     In the 400 section we sat in front of the upper deck walk way.  In the 500 section we sit above it.
     The view was doubt about that.  But there was a constant flow of people.  I went to an Ice Hogs game and was told that I could not return to my seat while game action was on going.  I had to wait for a break.  I thing baseball should do the same thing. 
     The park has changed.  Elevators knocked out the roof top dining area on the upper deck.  The Park at Wrigley has a new name, the hotel is completed and construction is moving quickly on the mid rise building due south of Wrigley, blocking some views of the downtown skyline.
     By 2019 new clubs with high priced seating will be built, including one where what remains of the outdoor dining area on the upper level is.  My understanding is the seating under the press box becomes part of the club area, with the actual club behind what is now the concession stand.  Wonder if a tunnel will connect the two.
     Even if I could afford a $32,000 seat, it would literally kill me.  Why?
    You get unlimited food and drink.
     I would look at the $400 a game seat and think $200 goes for the seat, and $200 per game for food.  So I would have to drink 10 beers (let's say $10 a beer to make my math easier), a couple of hot dogs, some nachos, peanuts, a personal pizza, 4 bags of cotton candy, three ice creams and some french fries  EVERY GAME to feel I got my money's worth.
     I would weigh 849 pounds at season's end.
    And I would not fit in the narrow seats.
    Anyway, some pictures from today.
     I truly hope everyone is here tomorrow morning.  The situation in Syria is causing me some concern.  I hope there isn't WW III by daybreak.
     Peace to all, and I mean peace.  To all.

Hotel Zachary

view south

Tarping the field at the end of the game anticipating rain

See kids, this is you and Billy

Dressed for the weather

Fitting for Friday the 13th

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