Sunday, April 1, 2018

a sleepless night??

Are you as worried as I am?

     There is a Chinese satellite hurtling loose in space.  It is supposed to come crashing down onto Earth sometime tonight or tomorrow morning.
     We should all be prepared.
     I know, some of you are saying I worry too much.  Just because every time I go over the overpass I drive slow if a big truck is ahead of me or fast if one is behind me because I am afraid the combined weight of the big truck and my car will be enough to bring the overpass crashing down.....
     I admit it.  I get a little nervous over things.
     Sore throat?  It's strep.  Stomach ache?  Appendicitis.  Sore arm?  Heart attack.
     All those fears are imagined, but the space debris is a real threat.
     Scientists don't know where it is going to land, but I do:   In my bedroom at  3:36 a.m.
     We won't know what hit us, but investigators will find metal with "Made in China" stamped on the side, which means it is either a space station or a new dishwasher that crushed us.
     It's terrifying because they know it's coming, but they don't know where or when.
     And this is no April 1 prank.  Speaking of which, I did not do any on anyone this year.  Must be losing my touch.
     I will be extra vigilant.
     Hey, what is that whistling noise?  It seems to be coming from outside.
     I wonder if

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