Friday, April 6, 2018

Huh, what and giggle

Let's talk commercials

     Ones I hate:  wireless providers, cars that drive fast and through water, all political ads, to name a few.
     So we're watching the Cubs tonight and a commercial comes on for Pizza Ranch.  Then a second commercial, or actually a replay of the first one, comes on a couple of innings later.
     Jackie looked it up and found out it is one of the largest regional pizza chains in the states.  Over 200 locations.
     How can we not hear about a pizza chain that large?
     Turns out, there is one in Sterling just west of us and one in Roscoe north of Rockford.  Huh,
     Then there was a Blue Cross ad with a guy stranded on an island.  He is checking off the days, trying to catch fish, and finally realizes his Blue Cross card can act like a mirror.  He shines it and is picked up by a helicopter.
     He asks the pilot, if she is a rescue worker and she replies, "No, I work for the resort" and the scene expands to show a huge resort on the other side of the island.
      I just thought it was funny.  Giggle.
     What?  Was that really John Legends in a Google commercial, holding a baby?
     The only thing that would have been more interesting is if the Cubs had scored some of those runners they had on base.
     We cleaned the den today.  No more piles of papers.  Just one, but it is not too big.
     And so, good night and peace to all.

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