Thursday, April 5, 2018

snow fooling

I think the weather is goofy

     It was snowing during the Sox home opener!  Big flakes, swirling down.  It was weird watching it for the inning or two I did.
     If you haven't seen the video of the eagle landing on the pitcher in Minneapolis, look for it.  I don't know if I could have pitched after a huge  bird landed on my back.  I know I would have had to change pants.
     Watched some of The Mick today.  Jackie doesn't like the show, I think it is funny in a deeply disturbing way. I have about 10 episodes on the DVR, so I better start watching them.
     Last year I DVRed Timeless then  never watched it.  I am doing it again this year and have yet to actually watch the show, which seemed an interesting premise.
     Now you should be getting a mental picture of my day....TV and tea. 
     That about sums up my life right now.
     Peace to all....

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