Saturday, April 28, 2018

Achy and tired

No, I am not sick

     I am just a 70 (almost) year old guy who had 4 yards of mulch delivered and got most of it spread today.
     My arms hurt, my legs hurt, my hands hurt and I am tired.
     And I didn't do most of the work.
     I had a young man from down the street come and help me for 3 hours.  He shoveled like a young kid, I shoveled like an old man. 
     Together, well, 70/30 together, with me being the 30......almost all of the mulch is spread and almost all of the gardens and trees are mulched.
     I learned a few things today.
    When we had landscaping done Jackie had requested a Huercha (or coral bells, I know it is not spelled correctly.  Hell, I can't even say it!) to be a foundation plant.
     So we had about 20 of the little buggers planted.
     For the first two years, they looked ok, although I did have to replace one or two.
     Each year.  And with the plum pudding variety, which are not easily found.
     Last year, for some reason, I did not replace any.  It's not that they did not die, I just did not replace them.
     Going out this year.......17 are gone.  Dead.  No longer with us.  Departed.  Composted.
     I may not be the smartest gardener in the world, but I know enough not to plant any more of them...especially at about $12 a pop.
     I think our soil in front is too wet and too shady for the plum pudding, although the wetness is more of an issue.
     But something will replace them.... just not sure what yet.
     I still have one area to do, but not Sunday or Monday.  Maybe Tuesday.
     So bring your shovels and stop over for a while.  It will be fun.  Really.
     Now for a little Ben Gay.......and ibuprofen....maybe a hot shower.....and bed.
     Peace and joy to all, and to all a good night.

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