Monday, April 23, 2018

no map needed

I had an errand to run today

     Jackie's wheelchair has a couple of missing screws.  Highly specialized screws.
     I called the chair's manufacturer and they said they could not ship the screws directly to me, I had to go to an authorized distributor.
     So I found one in Rockford.
     I knew the address, but when I got there, I could not find it.
     So I pulled into a lot and called the phone number.  I was parked by Don Carter lanes on State Street.  I told her where I was and she said, "No problem.  We are across the road from there and just a little east."
     So I pulled across the road and went east. 
     You know that commercial where the Pony Express rider is leaving his mother and the gives him an insurance card?  She tells her younger son the rider will be back soon.
     "How do you know, mom?" asks the younger child.
     "Because east is the other way," the mom answers.
     I drove through three shopping areas, but could not find the place.  Finally, I called again and asked what building was on the corner.  A man  said a bank, just east of the intersection.
     That's when it hit me.....I was going west.
     I think it took about 15 minutes of aimless wandering before I finally reached the place.
     The gent running the place then told me he had to order the parts.  Four bolts, washers and 3 spacers.
     I just don't understand why they couldn't ship the stuff right to me, but then if they had, I would not have had the wonderful experience of driving the potholed, bone jangling, highly irritating bypass that serves as a road.
     At least I will know where I am going when I return.

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