Monday, April 16, 2018

Oh what a night

I had the weirdest night in a long time

     I  could not sleep.  Not a wink.
     I eventually went to sleep in the recliner and finally, somewhere after the bell tolled 3, I drifted off.
     But not for long.
     Emily's huge black wolf like dog jumped on my lap and growled in my face, startling me awake.
     I drifted back asleep and it again jumped on my lap and growled.  Twice, the same dream.
     After that there was a combination of cave men, Native Americans, pioneers, small children, caves, and me putting on a magic show for the Native Americans, eventually convincing them not to kill us even though we did not speak each other's language. 
     When the tension was over, I turned to my party and said that it looked like we had squeaked out another day by using common items like a cigarette lighter and flashlight.
     The leader of the Native Americans looked at me and said, "You had me on that thing with the cigarette lighter."
     I said, "You speak English?'
     He answered, "Of course, you can't graduate Harvard unless you do." was a very strange night.
     As an experiment, I have not had any caffeine since my morning tea.  I don't think there is caffeine in wine.......
     I just hope dogs and Harvard men don't interrupt my dreams tonight.
     Peace and love to all.

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