Saturday, April 14, 2018

lesson learned

I can't promise never to give up again

     I am talking Cubs, not crossword puzzles or Sunday paper subscriptions.  I am giving up on those last two.
     I got a little disgusted at 9-1 today.  When it hit 10-2 I was so depressed I went to exercise.
     I usually just read, but the game was on and I was walking away, noticing the score was getting closer.  10-4, then to 5.  Then the eighth inning arrived.
I put down my book and watched as much as I could.  I saw players taking pitches instead of swinging wildly.  And I saw a Cubs win.  Amazing.
      I won't give up so easily again.
     I bet they don't play tomorrow......the weather is terrible right now and not going to improve.  They can take some time to think about the game today and how patience pays off.
     I got a grilled cheese today at the gourmet grilled cheese bar in Cypress House and it was yummy!  Mine was on sourdough, which made is super great.  Jackie's was on a multi grain bun and she said it was very good.
     The circuit kept blowing, so my sandwiches took a little longer.
     I ran into some old education buddies and immediately called one person the wrong name.  As soon as I said it, I knew it was wrong and had no idea why.  I know her name.  The cold weather may have given me brain freeze.
     I did manage to take down the Easter decorations today.  I just have one more trip to the basement, but I will do that tomorrow, in between the thunderstorms, snow, rain, sleet, high winds and whatever other delight Mother Nature will toss our way.
      It could be worse......Minnesota and Wisconsin are getting dumped on tonight.
     Be safe my friends......send good thoughts to the world leaders so that they may put a lid on all the threats.

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