Saturday, April 21, 2018

round and round

Sometimes I am a bit compulsive

     I check doors often, I do repetitive actions even though I know there is no need to do so.
     I don't knock on doors three times, like Sheldon, but I have my quirks.
     Today, for instance.
     A couple of weeks ago our church scheduled an outdoor workday today.  NIU students were lined up to spread mulch, pick up, help in the garden.  I had plans for today and said I would not be able to be there.
     Turns out, I wasn't as needed as much as my wheelbarrow!
     But someone else from Rochelle was heading over and taking their wheelbarrow, which was the same size as mine.
     Problem solved, right?
     I kept obsessing on there being a shortage of wheelbarrows and mine was important to the job.
     So this morning I loaded it up in the BMW and drove to DeKalb.  There looked to be a lot of wheelbarrows.
     My next stop was a soccer match at North Boone.  Not wanting to get lost, I used the GPS navigational system and it actually took me to the exact spot, but I got lost in the parking lot at the high school.
    In my defense, there were multiple parking lots.  I chose the one near the baseball field, which was about 35 miles from the soccer field.  So I took a short cut through the parking lots, only to find out the road marked buses only was, in fact, a road for buses and did not have an exit or connect the to parking lot I wanted, which was five feet from the road I was on.
     So I exited the bus lot, exited the parking lot, and drove north until I reached the soccer field.
     My niece (technically my niece's daughter) was playing and I never get to spend a lot of time with them, so we sat and visited, talked, laughed, updated them on life in the Dickow lane, heard about prom, upcoming vacations and in general had a great time.
     Unfortunately, they lost, which put a damper on the visit.
     When I got home I planned to work in the yard, but at 3 I sat down on my recliner for a few minutes.
     At 5:15, when I woke up, I figured the yard work could wait until a warmer day.
      Now I wonder if I will sleep tonight.....

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