Thursday, April 26, 2018

hold on!!

I did something very stupid today

I know, so what's new?
But this was, or could have been, very serious.
I am pretty patient.  At times.  I drive the speed limit, or close to it, most of the time. I don't like to pass, and when I do, I make sure there is plenty of room.
Picture this:
On our way to DeKalb for a doctor appointment for Jackie.
Get caught behind two huge semi trucks hauling construction debris.
They were doing 40.
The didn't turn at Creston, so when we hit a passing zone that had a clear view, I passed.
Once I got out there, I realized two semi trucks are actually a big hurdle.  A freakin big hurdle.
But no sweat, German engineering has the day.
That's when I saw the on coming car.
I could not pull back in.  I could not get between the trucks.  The only option was to hit it.
So I floored the car.
I saw the needle go past 80.  The approaching car kept getting bigger.  Jackie grabbed the seat and door handle and said, "Oh God!"
I just got passed the second semi and swung in front of him, still doing in excess of 80.
I did not miss the oncoming car by much.  At least that is what it seemed.
I was shaking by the time it was over.  Jackie could not tell, but I was scared.
What was I thinking?  How come I didn't see the oncoming car?  If I had, I never would have passed.
I think there was a hill, but it was a long way off.
I became one of those idiots I complain about all the time.
I did not save enough time to risk our lives, that much I know.
I am marking this one up to bad judgment and rash behavior, and I know I will never do it again.
Tonight I go to bed a lucky person.  And a thankful one.

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