Tuesday, April 24, 2018

seasonal firsts

I did two seasonal tasks for the first time this year

     I rode my bike.  I have been riding the one at the exercise center in the hospital, but getting out in the sun and wind is a different experience.
     I have a ride tracker device on my phone.  Somehow, I must have paused it because I did 4 laps around the subdivision at about 2.2 miles per lap, and the tracker said I rode 5 miles. I must have hit the pause workout button somehow.
     But my legs felt good and more importantly, so did my hips.
     And I mowed.
     That was an interesting experience.
     I made four or five passes before I realized I did not have the mower itself engaged, which explained why the grass did not look any shorter.
     And I swear, if I lived next to me I would be thinking my neighbor was nuts.
I have lot of straw debris in the yard.  Some small straw pieces and a couple of clumps.
     I mowed over one of the clumps and a mess of feathers covered the grass!
     I looked around, and there were several sections of a brown bird around the yard.
     This is an area outside Corki's zone, so I know she did not score a kill.
     I did not find main body parts, just clumps of feathers.
     I also noticed my burr oak has galls.  Lots of them.  I picked off the ones I could reach, but there are several out of reach.  I hope it does not hurt the tree.
      So, while everyone else has nice looking lawns, I have bits of straw and bits of feather blowing around.
     I just wonder what mayhem went on when I wasn't looking.

Feathers everywhere

Almost looks like a breast area

I need to focus on my galls

On Monday Dan and Linda came over to look at the Cuba book and we had a nice night of talking and enjoying this little bottle.  It was good night all around.

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