Sunday, April 29, 2018

wet and wild

This day was almost a disaster

     I had the water on about 8 a.m. and it was hot.  I was reading the Tribune on line when the power went off, somewhere about 8:20 or so.
     Now, today was the volunteer appreciation dinner at my favorite zoo and Jackie and I were going.
     She went to shower at 11:15 hot water.
     I figured the power might have tripped something, so I went downstairs to check.
     We have an on demand water system.  When we need water, it super quickly heats it and pumps it to the faucets.
     But a little red light was flashing.  I hit power, function, and power again and it was green.
     I went upstairs.  I said wait a couple of minutes and there should be hot water.
     10 minutes go hot water.
     I go back downstairs and it is flashing red again.
     Repeat what I did.  Go upstairs.  The unit is running.  10 minutes pass, the unit is off and no hot water.
     So I did something I am fundamentally opposed to, and in direct violation of the man code.
     I found the instruction manual, discovered the flashing red light meant the unit was not functioning,  (duh) found the code for the error, learned the intake filter screen must be blocked.....and then the fun began.
     I had to remove four screws to take off the front cover.  Then I had to remove one screw to take out the filter screen.  I did, with much effort because it is hard to hold a flashlight and screwdriver at the same time,.  I cleaned the screen and replaced it.  Twice.  Once wrong, the second time correctly.
    Then I attached the cover and used the two remaining screws to secure the cover.  I know there are two screws rolling around the basement floor and I will find them, someday.
     Hot water within seconds.
     We left the house on time, arrived at the zoo on time, had a lovely dinner and visit with Linda, Tyler, Mary, and Donna and I received my 10 year volunteer pin.
     10 years.  Seems a lot.  There were several people honored for 35 and 40 years and it turns out the zoo has 8 volunteers over age 90.
     So, my advice to you....find something you want to do, or like to do, and volunteer to do it.  Volunteering keeps me young, active, engaged and I get to make some new friends along the way.

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