Monday, April 2, 2018

lost and found

I am losing my mind

     I can't explain it any other way.
     I have lost three hats, well, two actually because I now have 4 grey ones instead of the three I bought at the closeout bargain price of $1 each.  But I can't for the life of me find my Bears hats.  Not that I want to wear the hat of a lousy team, but they did keep my head warm.
     Friday night we went to church and I muted my phone.
     Saturday afternoon I was going out and could not find my phone.  Since it was on mute, it would be hard to call it and hear a ring.  But I tried.  Could not find it in the den, kitchen, bedroom or either car.  It wasn't in a pocket of a coat I wore either.
     I figured I left it at church, or dropped it in the parking lot.....but no, it was not there.  I came hone and tried calling it again and heard it hum in the area of the dryer.  But nothing was there.
     So I texted it and it dinged.  In the closet.  In the dirty wash.  In the load I was going to put in.  Now, maybe I would have noticed it, but maybe not.
     Of course Saturday I also lost my car key. 
     I have two places I put things....on the counter and on the ledge  We have a little basket for keys and found nuts and washers and I always, well almost always, put the keys there.  Unless I put them behind the phone next to the basket, which is where I found them.
     I spend most of my free time looking for things.
    And sometimes I find odd items, like the three inch slender bolt I found behind the car.  I asked the dealer if he recognized it but no.  It was in my garage, so I saved it.
     Discovered it very useful today as the wheel from the wheelchair fell off.
     And kids, that is why you never throw anything out.
     I also lost my enthusiasm for college basketball.  Seems Loyola held my interest, and the two teams tonight did not.
     Don't get me started on the Cubs.
     Now to  bed, and hopefully a restful night.
     Peace and love to all in this crazy world.

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