Sunday, April 15, 2018

a political solution

I should be the next Speaker of the House

     I would be second in line to the presidency and would happily fill that role if needed.
     Why me?
     I am not a Washington insider.  Heck, I could not even navigate the traffic circles when Jackie and I visited there under Lincoln.
     I am a fiscal conservative......or cheap, whichever phrase you like  better.
     I would be a fun guy to be around.
     Rep Blowhard:  "Mr. Speaker, Mr. Speaker.  I demand the floor."
     Me:  "What?  The floor too?  You've already stolen everything not bolted down."
     Rep. Nobrain.  "Order!  Order!!"
     Me:  "Large white chocolate mocha  and a piece of strawberry rhubarb pie, unless you've already eaten all of it, you greedy pig."
     Rep. Idiot.  "Mr. Speaker, the people demand a balanced budget and we must cut all social programs to achieve our goals."
     Me:  "No, Rep Idiot...the people want a government that works and keeps their hands and noses out of people's business.  But we also want health care and social security and sometimes you have to cut the military to get that."
     OK, that wasn't funny.
     Seriously though, the Speaker of the House does not have to be a Representative.... it can be anyone the party in control elects.  In our history that has happened...... 0 times.  I could be the first!
     I finally saw some signs of spring today!

What hiding under that tarp?

Oops.... missed bringing these in.
So they were not good signs.  Especially the spelling.  Wonder what Nace did wrong?

Some good news.....our patio has been developing pools at the bottom of the steps.  I called the good people at M A B and we were one of their first projects this year. 

A lot of rain, no water.  Now I can move out the patio furniture once the snow stops. can be OK.
Peace to all

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