Wednesday, April 11, 2018

feeling snarky

Sometimes real life is not real

     I just read a story about a 14 year old boy in Florida who hooked up with a prostitute, paid her $480 and had sex with her.
     I know parental supervision can be lax these days, but really?
     Both parties were staying at a hotel.  The kid used his computer to access a dating site, found her profile, and arranged to meet her.
     Now, no one noticed the kid was gone from the room, and no one noticed he had over $400 in cash.
     Just seems a little weird.
     I don't like fighting in sports, especially baseball.  There were two  brawls today, and neither one looked like a wrestling match.  They were throwing punches pretty well.
     I know people like fighting in hockey, although I can't stand it there either.
Maybe I am too much of a peace-nik, but I think it shows a bad example to kids.
If I was league commissioner, I would toss a few people for 6 or 7 games. 
     If a team doesn't have enough players to play, they'll have to call up minor leaguers.  There has to be a penalty.
     Let's see....forecast for this week.....70s, cold, snow flurries possible Sunday?
     Say it ain't so!
     I uncovered my strawberries to day.  I hope I get more than the four berries I got last year.  Maybe I should read about how to grow the little red delights.
     Or not.
    I'm now going to fight off sleep...wonder who wins?

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