Wednesday, April 4, 2018


Thanks, now I feel better

     Sorry about your ears.
     I had a list of things to do this week...hang pictures, go through the 27 piles of paper in the den,  drink copious amounts of wine, eat chocolate, vacuum the basement, water the plant downstairs that has not been watered in several days.         Or weeks.
     What have I done?  Nada.  Zilch.  Nothing.
     I have this cold that is just hanging on and draining me. I don't sleep well at night, I can't sleep during the day.  I cough.  And sneeze.  And cough. 
     I went to the store today for some VapoRub and was so tired when I got home.  All I did was drive.
     And play solitaire.
     And order things on line.  Like a neat looking device to allow you to hang pictures straight.  I have lots of pictures to hang.  Hopefully it will be handy.
     And watch Stranger Things.  Thanks, Emily, for recommending it to me.  I have watched the first 6 episodes and still have no idea what the hell is going on.       But I want to find out if Will, and now Nancy, are found.
     Usually in April I cancel Netflix because I watch a lot of Cubs' games and don't have time for other viewing.  But I figure Julia is coming home in May and might want to watch something on it, so I am keeping it till June then I will cancel.  Call me cheap.
     And frustrated.
     One consolation is I can't work outside because it is damn cold, with a wind chill of negative 86. 
     Maybe tomorrow I will wake up refreshed and not sneezing and coughing.  Birds will be singing, the sun will be shining, my head won't be congested and I can get back to normal.
     If not, I will have to scream again.  And again.  And again.
     Peace to all........

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