Sunday, April 8, 2018


I had the weirdest dream

     Maybe it is the cold medicine.  But last night was strange.
     I had a dream that my friend and his wife had a baby.  Now that is not so strange, but the baby was only 3 inches long and came in a container like you buy sliced lunch meat in.
     They kept walking around showing everybody the baby in the lunch meat container and saying, "You can look, but don't eat the baby."
     I woke up, but when I went to sleep again, the same dream happened.
     We were out west, with grasslands and no trees but rolling hills.  They kept coming over the hill, carrying this little plastic tray with a baby that resembled a ginseng root with eyes.
     I figure my subconscious was just picking up on stuff I heard during the day.
     For example, I bought some prepackaged sliced roast beef to make a sandwich and I heard a report on the radio about ginseng root production in Wisconsin.  Did you know the majority of ginseng root exported to China comes from a couple of counties in Wisconsin?  It is prized by the Chinese for its flavor and texture.
     Who knew.
     It was a good day.
     The Cubs won, I found the three hole punch that has been missing, and I printed a crossword puzzle that I can actually do.
     Puzzle explanation.  I do the crosswords in the Sunday Trib.  Or at least I try.       But for some reason, my paper has not been delivered for two months.  I think there is a problem.
     The third week that happened, I ran a puzzle off on the computer and could work it.  But since then, every puzzle I printed was too small.  Friends tried scanning and e-mailing the puzzle but it was too difficult to read once I printed it.
     Today, I did the same thing I have done every week and .... voila!!  The puzzle printed in a size I can read and fill in squares on.
     Life is good.
     Now excuse me, I can't wait to see what tonight brings for dreams.
     Peace out.....

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