Monday, April 9, 2018


I really have a problem with dates

     Was talking to Julia yesterday and told her I booked my flight, but I had booked a Friday flight when I should have booked a Thursday one.
     Since it is a European based airline, they seem to run a little different than some of the ones here.  It is only $25 to change my ticket.
     At first I thought, why not stay an extra day and do a little sightseeing in Amsterdam?  After all, it's only one day.
     Then I checked my schedule.  I can actually fly to her house two days earlier, so I would have to find a hotel for 2 nights.
     I opted to rebook.  And that's when I found an amazing bit of information.
    My original ticket was for a week earlier than I thought I booked. Yes, once again, I botched the dates.
     I think I have it all straight now.
     Stopped for a medicine ball today....that's a Starbucks drink that has a lot of vitamin C to help with colds.  Yes, mine is still hanging on.
     As I was getting in line, the lady ahead of me turned and gave me a big smile. 
     She must have noticed the half/pound I have lost, or realized my amazing sense of humor, and was flirting with me.  I was flattered.
     I decided to visit the restroom while my tea concoction was being prepared and I happened to look in the mirror.
     My hair was spiked up in the middle!  I looked like a freakin unicorn!
     She wasn't smiling, she was trying hard not to laugh!
     One date that will always stick with me was this day in 2015.  You may remember, an EF 4 tornado took away my daughter's house.  She lost nearly everything and two dogs, but three dogs, her and John were safe.
     It's an experience I never want to go through again, and one I would not wish on anyone.
     Her neighborhood was destroyed, and no one was seriously injured.
     You've all heard the cliche.....things can be replaced, people can't.
     It's very true.
     And yes, I still tear up thinking about that day.  And I still give thanks for what  blessings we have in this life.
     Peace and love to all......

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