Tuesday, May 1, 2018

right here in northern Illinois

I took a trip to Starved Rock Monday

     I have not been there for a while.  Years.
     There was a Facebook posting about a 3 canyon tour for $32, which included lunch.  Tours are done Saturdays and Mondays through May.
     So I went.
     It was a pretty neat trip.  We visited three canyons, had a great lunch, and I met a really nice guy from Chicago.
     That is not normal for me.  When we went in for lunch, they asked me if it would be OK  if another person sat at my table.  I figured yes, that way I don't eat alone.
     A guy named Patrick sat with me and we had a great discussion about the park, our kids, travel, the Cubs.......no politics, religion or discussions about guns or anything controversial.  We just talked about life, and it was a nice lunch.
     Anyway, we went to three canyons:  Ottawa, French and St. Louis.
     All have waterfalls, but there was not a lot of water falling....been pretty dry.
     And St. Louis?  In 1960 three women were brutally murdered there in a crime that shocked the nation.  Monday it was just peaceful.
     We also saw some art in the park.  When a tree dies, chain saw artists are invited to create a sculpture.  There were a lot of neat looking dead trees.
     Anyway, here are some pictures.

The opening in the wall in the center of the picture is where the bodies were found in 1960's murders.

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