Sunday, April 22, 2018

critter war 2

I tried a new tactic with ground squirrels

     You may remember from a previous post, the critters have burrowed under my patio and driveway.
     I bought some of that expandable foam sealant and today I stuck the nozzle as far into the hole as I could and filled it.  (Sounds like the start of a good prono novel, doesn't it?)
     I did the same with three other holes.
     I assume they have night homes and day homes, the yard is full of holes also.
     So this should keep them away from the patio.
     The foam spray is some kind of oil based product, I think.  The nozzle broke  almost when the can was empty, and gushed all over my hands.
     My hands were very sticky.
     I washed them.
     They were still pretty sticky.
     I tried mineral spirits on them.
     A little better, but if I made a fist the fingers would stick together.
     I tried gasoline.
     Much better.  Hardly sticky at all.
     I washed again then went into the yard to work.
     I now have dirt on my hands that will not wash off.
     I guess I missed a few of the sticky spots.
    So if you see me, I really do have clean hands.  Except for the dirt.
     I didn't refill the bait in the live traps......little guys cleaned it out without setting the trap off.  Damn them.  Maybe tomorrow.
     Goodnight, Gracie.

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