Friday, April 20, 2018

dirty, rotten stinkers

I did something terribly wrong

     I bought potatoes.  Now, Jackie and I have cut down on the amount of potatoes we are eating.  We don't slice 'em and fry 'em nearly as often as we used to, so a 5 pound bag of potatoes lasts a long time.
     But I discovered a few things yesterday, things I should have discovered some time after Thanksgiving.
     We have a wicker basket in the pantry.  There are two compartments, a smaller top basket that holds onions and a larger bottom basket that holds potatoes.
     I remember buying potatoes at Thanksgiving.  I put them in the bottom basket.
     For the past week or so, we have each looked in the pantry for the source of a putrid smell.....well, I found it.
     5 pounds of mashed potatoes.
     They had soaked through the plastic bag and had oozed through the wicker container.  The floor had a pile of whitish looking goop, surrounded by some clear but extremely thick slime.  The basket was stuck to part of the floor.
     Potatoes that are rotten do not smell very nice.
     I cleaned up the floor only to discover that the wood is now black.  I have used Mr. Clean, bleach, toilet bowl cleaner, wood floor cleaner, hell, I even tried a spray for stains from animal mishaps.  Nothing, just dark wood.
     I put the entire mess into the garbage yesterday afternoon.  By the time I took out the trash, the garage reeked.  I can still smell it.
     I just forgot they were in the bottom basket.
     Lesson learned.
     On the way back from the zoo today I stopped at a grocery store on Orchard Road in Aurora.
     Knowing the tollway is under construction, I opted to take the back roads.
     I did not want to circle back to Randall Road, so I headed for a road that looked like it went north and took that.
     I have no idea where I went.  I know I was headed westish, but nothing was familiar.
     I finally pulled over and used my phone to guide me home.
     I will say I saw some pretty neat homes, but I don't think I'll ever be able to find them again.
     Another lesson what you know how to do.
     Peace out, dudes and dudettes.

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