Saturday, April 7, 2018

trivial matters

I sort of did a program tonight

     I know that does not make sense.
     I was asked to do a program for a local group as part of a dinner.  The emphasis was on Illinois history, since this is the 200th birthday of our state.
     They wanted a trivia type program, so I spent some time reading up on our state and discovered several interesting items.
     Blood banks, sewing machines, vacuums, (and I never spell that right...thank heavens for spell check), the Ferris wheel, and the atomic bomb are some of the big ideas to come our of our state.
     Throw in remotes for tvs, cell phones, automatic dishwashers and The Pill and you get an idea of how inventive and talented people in this state are.
     Nancy B., if you read this I know you know this already, but I had no clue.
     The third worst mining disaster in U.S. history took place in the tiny town of Cherry, located just southwest of us.
     I know Cherry as a place where there is a bar that serves great chicken and it is on the same road as Ladd, the home of the world's greatest, greasiest, messiest, best tastingest chicken you can find.
      Bit I did not know about the Cherry Mine Disaster.
     In 1909 259 coal miners died after the mine caught fire.  Most of them were Italian immigrants and could not speak much English.  Many of them were children, as young as 11.
     21 miners, trapped in a shaft, kept retreating farther and farther into the mine and built a barrier.  Eight days later, they emerged, alive. 
     Sounds like a movie to me.
     Several people at the program knew about the disaster and the plaque that is up in the did I ever miss that??
      That's what I like about history.  It is not just words on a page, it's people and their effects on us.
     The miners?  That disaster resulted in workmen's compensation laws and stricter mining regulations.
     I'm glad I did the program, because I learned a lot!
     And now, so do you!
     Now it's time for bed......

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