Monday, March 26, 2018

whine, whine, whine

I sometimes get tired of eating

     Wait, that is not true.  I love eating.  I will never get tired of eating.
     But here is my problem.
     We had tacos tonight.
     Well, look at the aftermath.

     Yes, the kitchen is a mess.  It was tacos, for crying out loud!
      I did my job, and this is what happened half an hour later.

     Not perfect, but much better.
     Age seems to be catching up to me.  I was behind a young man going into the bank, and he held the door open for me.
     I said thank you, but I really wanted to say, "Get a damn belt to hold up your pants."
     He would walk two steps and then pull up his pants.  Just like me in the back yard, which is why I wear suspenders while working outside.
     I wanted to give him some boxes to hold to see what he would do, but I didn't have any boxes.  Or a coffee and a doughnut.  But didn't have either of those.
     He was very nice, opening the door. 
     But all the while I kept thinking his pants would fall down.
      I hate this weather.  Cold, damp.  Where the heck is spring?  It hasn't sprung, it isn't warm, it is just crappy out side.
     There.  Three whines.
     I feel better now.
     Peace and love to everyone out there.

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