Saturday, March 24, 2018


Today was one of those days

     Emily and John had to put down Bennett, one of the Great Danes.  He has wobbler's disease, and walking has gotten increasingly difficult.  I guess he stopped eating and moving off his bed.  The poor guy must have been in too much agony.  So the kids are grieving and rightly so.
     Bennett survived the tornado, although I don't know how.  He was in a crate and the crate was in the back yard, all twisted up....but no Bennett.  He had a lampshade on at the time because he was scratching some stitches.  Hours later he was found, still wearing the collar.  He had been in the horse pasture behind the house and eventually worked his way to the front, where he gladly jumped into a car for safety and security.
     He had a great bark.  Strong, deep.  When I first met him he frightened me.  He would growl and bark, and a dog of his size is kind of intimidating.  But over time we became friends, although he was still wary of me.  When I stayed there he would come and stand by me for some head scratches and pets.
     Now he is free from his pain.
     I would have loved to be in Chicago today for the march.  These kids are going to change the world in ways my generation only dreamed of doing.  I admire their grit and their voice.
     No snow for us, which was a good thing.  I was sort of hoping to use up the gas in the snow blower.....but it is still only March.
     I forgot about the blackout tonight to create awareness of conserving power.  Funny, I just didn't think about it until late.  Earth Day came from my generation, as did the clean air and water acts.
     But it wasn't enough.
     I hope these kids don't settle.  Fight the fight, my young friends.
     Peace and love to all.

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