Sunday, March 11, 2018

damn clocks

The time change really messed me up

     I have been getting up at around 7 lately.  I think the exercise program has something to do with that.
     Last night we set all the clocks ahead one hour.  Microwave, oven, cuckoo, radio, bathroom clock....everything went ahead an hour.
     I have a phone by my bed.  The phone has the time on it.  I always check the time when I wake up.
     I must have been tired.  Or it could have been the pinot noir consumed while playing cards.  Not sure.  But I slept well.
     I woke up, and looked at the phone and it was 8:40.  I figured no problem, I can sleep another 20 minutes and then get up, shower, dress and make church at 10:30.
     Plan worked out correctly.  At exactly 9:02 on the phone I got up, went into the kitchen to make tea and the microwave and oven and cuckoo all said 10:02.
Actually the cuckoo was cuckooing the 10 as I stared at the microwave.
     The phones are all one hour behind.  We have had these phones for years and I never ever remember changing the time, either springing ahead or falling behind.
     What the hell??
     I then discovered my Sunday Tribune was not there again, making it 5 weeks in a row I did not get the Trib. 
     At that point I decided to go to Avenue Q.  Jackie was having a tough day moving and didn't feel up to it, so I went by myself.
      I know I have the directions for the phones someplace....if I can find them maybe I can figure out how to change the time.
     Until then, I'll have to find my watch to see if I should be getting up.
     It's a rough life, being retired.

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