Tuesday, March 27, 2018

one down

I am knocking off tasks, almost

     I finished my Cuba book, after two years.  But I can't seem to order it!  When I enter my address, it tells me it's an invalid address.  I know my address!!!
     Damn technology when it doesn't work.
     So I go on the live chat.  The nice lady tells me not to enter my e mail address in the address line.  Me bad.  I used the auto fill and it put in the e mail.
     I did it correctly and my order has been placed.
     Hopefully it turns out as good on paper as it is in my mind.
     We had a shower problem.  For the last few weeks the water has not come out very well.
     I called Moen learned that as original owners, the product has a life time guarantee....so they sent a new shower head.
     Yes, I could install it myself.
     Very easy to do.
     Unscrew the shower head and screw the new one on.
     And I could have installed the new slide bar.  Remove the cover, unscrew the bar, slide new slider on, replace bar, tighten screw, replace cover.
     Here's how my project would have gone.
     Attempt to remove shower head, turning it the wrong direction, thereby tightening instead of loosening.  Realize my mistake and try to turn the now over tightened head the correct direction.
     Accidentally hit the water control, turning on the shower and dousing me with cold, very cold water.
     Turn off water, yell "Fine" at the top of my lungs, dry off and continue working.  (Note:  I probably would not yell "fine.")
     After 45 minutes, I would have the head replaced and could work on the slider.
     I would take the bar cover off, , unscrew the bar, hit the water again, dousing me a second time with cold water and causing me to drop the screw down the drain.  Drying off, I would have to take the drain cover off and attempt to retrieve the screw, which will prove impossible.  I would then yell Fine, Fine, Fine and call the fine plumber.
     I could have done that.
     But I saved myself a lot of aggravation and possibly averted a stroke.  Instead, I happily sipped my tea while a professional took care of my business.
     Who says I haven't learned anything in life?

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