Friday, March 30, 2018

what a gas

I almost had a disaster today

     We have ground squirrels.  They dig tunnels under our patio, driveway, into the trees, in my garden.  There are several holes in my yard.
     I decided I would wage war on them this year.
     I bought a live trap.  And I bought gas bombs.
     The gas bombs look like a giant firecracker.  You stick in the fuse, light it and shove it in the hole, then cover the  hole to keep the noxious fumes inside.
     I put one between the house and the steps, because they have dug out a tunnel there.  I lit it and stuck it in.
     I put one behind the steps into the house on the patio.
     And I put one under the driveway.
     They sure did smoke!
     I went into the house and noticed the smell was in the house.  I just assumed it came in with me.
     Jackie was in the den and asked what that smell was.
     I went in there and it was pretty strong.
    By now it was strong in the house everywhere.
    I opened the front door and the windows and tried to air out the house.  That helped.
      I went downstairs and the basement reeked of the gas!  I opened the windows down there, but I think that just blew it upstairs.
     We had doors and windows open for half an hour, and there is still a hint in the air.
     It's as if the ground squirrels figured a way to get the fumes inside... and mounted a counter attack.
     After that fiasco, I opted for a live trapping device.  We'll see if any take the bait, so to speak.
     When I catch them, I will take them out to a park and let them go...and they better not find their way back here.
     Funny thing...I have used the bombs before and it has never come in the house.
     Wonder what's changed.
     And please, I know they are cute little critters but they are highly destructive too.
     And there is a lot of them.

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