Tuesday, March 13, 2018

spring, where art thou?

We had an MS doctor appointment today

     He is in Rolling Meadows, so it's always a good time to visit Jackie's sister Judy and enjoy a Portillo's lunch.
     I love Portillo's.....but it does not like me.  I have a weight issue, and I had no intention of having a shake and fries with my meal....but I did.  My only regret was I did not see the mint chocolate shakes available sign before I took my first sip.
     Anyway, MS guy says no change is good.  Someday I think they will give a magic cure. Honestly, it is a depressing, frustrating illness.
     Now that that's out of my  system, technology snaffued me again.  (Is that a word?)
     I told Jackie to take a video of the weather as we drove.  When I got home I loaded her video onto our computer and somehow in the process I appeared to load about 978 pictures from our computer on her phone.  It took me 20 minutes to delete them.
     Then I looked at her video and thought I could edit the part out where she films her legs.
     I Googled it and voila!  I edited my first ever video!  It's kind of easy.
I finally powered up my old laptop and found pictures from Europe in 15 but none for 14.  I am still confused as to why that is.


  Anyway....here's our drive home.  If it actually loads....if not, I will post it on Facebook.

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