Friday, March 23, 2018

people be crazy

And not in a good way

     Driving on the expressways near the city is an experience.  People who merge without signals, slow drivers, fast drivers, people who sit on your tail, people who cut in front of you, people who cross four lanes of traffic to exit.
     Today I saw the ultimate in stupidity.
     I was motoring along in a 60 mph zone by the Aurora exits.  I was doing about 66 and keeping up with most traffic.  And I was in the far right lane, you know the one for those of us who drive slower.
     The lanes were full....there was a car in every lane.
     I heard this rumbling from my left and looked over.  There was someone in a blackish SUV driving on the shoulder at about 100 miles an hour!  He was passing cars like they were standing still!  Then he cut over, zipped around a couple of cars and went back on the shoulder.
     I don't believe it was a police car...I didn't see any lights.  And it really was such a shock, I couldn't tell you what make of car it was.  I was speechless.  Well, since I was in the car by myself, I technically was speechless the whole drive.
     I had coffee at my training session today.  And a pop for lunch.  And a Starbucks for the drive home.  I may be wired.
     It was the Starbucks stop that led me to an important discovery.
    When I drive into the city, I generally listen to the local oldies until DeKalb.  Then I switch to public radio to about Orchard Road.  Then I go to WDRV, the Drive, for classic rock the rest of the way.
     I lost the local oldies just outside of town.  I lost WNIJ shortly after DeKalb.  I could not get WDRV.  I ended up listening to AM talk radio.
     Nothing like that has ever happened before.  I thought maybe sunspots?  Nuclear war?  Faulty radio?
     Later in the day I stopped at Starbucks and noticed I could not see the mileage on my car's dash.  I put my hand up there and weird, I found a 10 inch piece of rubberized something that looked a little like a black unicorn horn.  Was Martellus Bennett in my car?
     I don't know how it got there, and was not sure what it was but it looked familiar.
     There was a little screw on one end, so it screwed into something.
     Then it hit was my antenna.  On my instrument panel?
     I took my car in for servicing last week and they did a I am thinking that the antenna fell off at some point and someone put it in the car with the plan to screw it back on, but forgot.  Like whenever I go into a room with something in my hand and put it down, only to find it two days later.
     Once I screwed it back in and started driving, my reception improved a lot.
So Starbucks was a good thing today, in more ways than one.
     And I encourage you to frequent Starbucks often....I am a stockholder.  Your purchases improve my portfolio.
    Peace and love and maybe some snow.

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