Monday, March 12, 2018


I don't know how it happened

     Sometime this afternoon, my telephones reset to the correct time.
     I did not touch them.  They were an hour off, then they were correct.
     I fired up my old laptop and discovered something interesting.
     I am a lapsed photographer!
     When Julia moved to Europe, I took dozens of pictures.  I made copies, enlargements, and put them in albums.  When digital became the way to go, I took hundreds of pictures and put them in albums.
     She went in 2002, so did we.
     I have albums of us in Germany, France, Italy....all over the area that Julia loves to show to her mom and pops.
     My friend Dan and I went in 2011 and spent five weeks in France.  I have a book with pictures from that fantastic time.
     Then I stopped.
     2012 trip with friend Sheri, where we visited Paris and Milan?  No book.
     2013 trip when we rented a villa in Tuscany and had family and friends join us during a two week stay, followed by my going to Barcelona?  No book.
     2014?  2015?  Nothing.  No pictures.  No book.
     My tour of the French Christmas markets in 2016?  Our trip to Vermont?  Emily and John's wedding in Las Vegas?  The Cuba tour?  No book.  Or books.
     We didn't go in a matter of fact, we did not go anywhere in 2017, so it is natural I don't have a book.
     I have started a Cuba book....and will do the wedding next, followed by Vermont and then the Christmas markets.  There are too many memories to put in one book.
     I know the day will come when I will cherish sitting down and looking through these pictures.  I found that out last week while looking at the time    Jackie and I spent in Germany before I started using a book option on the computer.
     The pictures are a way for me to maintain those memories. 
     I better get them done soon, before my computers crash and everything disappears.
     Or worse, before my mind crashes and everything disappears.

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