Saturday, March 17, 2018

game night

We had a guest over tonight

     Young Camryn visited us while John worked lights at the play.  Emily went to see the show, which was for those 18 and over.  So Camryn stayed with us.
We had a meat lovers pizza, which was fantastic.
     And we played games.
     Jackie thumped us in Can't Stop, a game involving daring and dice.
     She didn't want to play Scrabble, so it was just the two of us.
     The youngster beat me, but let me explain.  We played a little loosely with the rules.  I am still wondering if zext is a legitimate word, let alone one that gets the  10 point z a triple score.  And I don't remember using ac in a sentence, unless it was a contraction.  She also got to pick her tiles......sometimes selected 11 or 12 before finding the letter she needed.  But we had fun.
     Then we played Yahtzee.  I never win at Yahtzee.  I don't know why, I just do a terrible job at filling in the squares.  And I did not win tonight, because on her second roll she actually got Yahtzee. 
     Then we tried Farkle.  I think I have played it before, but I was a little tired and the rules didn't make sense, so we just rolled dice and kept score.  I think she beat me three out of four times........luck is not on my side.
     I can't get Jack to ever play Scrabble, so I mostly play on the computer.  It was nice to have a human on the other side of the  board.
     And as a bonus, I had my first cup of coffee outside at Cypress House in the afternoon.  It was a bit cool, but the sun felt nice and the coffee was great.
     I just hope I can sleep tonight.

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