Thursday, March 8, 2018

feeling fine, feet

I got a pedicure today

     And my feet feel great!
     Actually, Jackie and I both got them.  Jackie's was a Christmas gift from one of the girls....and mine was just an outing.
     No, I did not get them painted or polished....just a trim.
     As you get older, it becomes harder to trim toenails.
     I remember my father used to wear a size nine shoe.  But as he got older and it became harder to trim his toes, he would buy bigger shoes, eventually wearing a 19 and 1/2.  He had industrial strength needed a chainsaw to trim them.
     I can't seem to reach my toes as easily as I once could.  (No Beth, it is not my stomach getting in the way.  It is the lack of flexibility in my body.  I no longer can do the splits or leg lifts like I once could. OK, it is my stomach.)
     And there is no way Jackie can do hers.  And I won't.
     So we go to the spa and I get pampered for a few minutes...relaxing foot soak, trimming, filing, sanding, massage.........
     And it's a lot cheaper than buying new shoes.
     Peace out, everyone.

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