Sunday, March 4, 2018

magincal mystery but no tour

Some things just can't be explained

     I have a snowblower.  The snowblower has a red "key" that has to be in the slot to run.  Pull the key out, the snowblower stops.
     Today I put on my heavy gray sweatshirt to go get the Trib for my relaxing Sunday morning reading..........more on that later.
     As I walked outside I put my hand in my sweatshirt pocket and there is the snowblower key.  No problem, I must have put it in my pocket.  I walk over to the snowblower....and there is a red key in it already.
     My mower does not have that key.  Nothing else I have has that key.  I only wear the sweatshirt around the house and it has been washed within the last three weeks.
     The magical mystery....where did I get that key?
     And the Tribune?  It's a now show.  Again.
     We had a carrier who brought us the Tribune for I don't know how long, but when we lived on Skare Court she was bringing it.
     About six weeks ago we got a notice that after 15 years of doing this, it just became too much.  Her gas costs have risen, her pay for delivering has dropped and she has had enough.
     For four Sunday mornings I have searched fruitlessly for the Trib.
     For four Sunday mornings I have e-mailed customer services and reported a missing paper.
     For four Sundays I have received an apology and a credit.
     I even got a phone call this morning from someone with the paper.  Not recognizing the number, I answered and hung up.  They called back and I took the time to listen, and I am glad I did .  She said she would make sure the distributor got us a paper today.  It never showed.  I e-mailed again.
     Yes, I can read it on line....but the crossword puzzles are hard to do.   When I print them the squares are too small for this old guy to write answers.  And Jackie and I can't read at the same time on the desktop.  Reading it on the IPad is an impossibility.
     Tonight I went downstairs to watch a movie using my new sound bar and ..... no sound.  None.  I hit buttons, checked wires and connections...nada.
     We called Jackie's brother in California using Facetime on her IPad.  Bob and Anita were upside down.  When she turned the screen, they still went upside down!  At one point she turned it slowly and they were fine, but we were upside down on their end!  We had a nice conversation talking to people who were standing on their heads.
     Now there are four mysteries.....will I find the correct place for the key,
will the Tribune ever show up,  will I ever be able to watch TV in the basement, and will  the world once again be rightside up on Facetime.
     Time will tell.

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