Thursday, March 22, 2018

s'no forecast

Will it, or won't it?

     I have heard predictions of from a dusting, no snow, 2 inches, 9 inches....they are all over the map!
     I have a zoo day tomorrow and am glad it is supposed to start late.  Chicago stations say most of the snow is west and south of the city.  Well, we are west, so maybe that is a bad omen.
     Time will tell.
     I do have a mower to sell.  This is a walk behind, self propelled Toro.  It's in good condition, in fact has not been used for a few years.  Just another attempt to get rid of unwanted items.
     Speaking of that. ...... Jackie informed me the birthday cards and all for the girls should not to be tossed until they get to look at them.  Makes sense.  When they were 1 they could not read, so maybe now they will appreciate the cards.  Those mildewed, smelly, browning cards.
     I was sitting in the house looking around and thought, geez, we can be slobs.  Papers everywhere.  It could be a bad sign when both of us can't deal with paper.
     I think that's why we enjoy people coming over.  We have to be neat.  Or at least neater.
     So, help us keep a cleaner house.  Come visit.  Just give us an hour or two to pick up.

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